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Friday, May 31, 2013

May Monthly Reads

I am absolutely in love with this scalloped skirt - perfect for summer!
Tina talks about why it can be so hard to make new friends as adults.
Erica lays out some helpful conference networking tips for newbies.
Behind closed doors - the things couples do once they've reached that comfort level living together. I see that M and I are not the only ones to share in a happy dance!
Finding the balance between under- and over-sharing, something I struggle with in the blog world.
A beautifully written post from Brenna about why she's not worried about single life on the road.
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Mani Monday: Neon Orange

Had a few tech issues last week and this post is a bit later than I would've liked, but I wanted to share my super cute mani that I rocked this week. I know this is my third mani post in a row showing off neon nails (click here for neon pink and electric shock yellow) but I swear I didn't plan it. When the weather warms up I guess I just find myself drawn to bright and fun colours.

I got a shellac manicure last week before heading to the Caribbean and I love this neon orange hue. It was the perfect accessory to my outfits all week, plus my nails stayed chip-free for my entire trip. Trivial I know, but having my nails done always puts me in a better mood and sometimes all it takes are the little things like that to put a smile on my face.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

StashBelt Money Belts

A few years back when I was first packing to move to Asia, my dad insisted that I needed to buy a money belt and carry it with me at all times. He came home the next day with a black plastic-y mini fanny pack contraption and laid it on my bed for me. I’m sure you can guess my reaction but to sum it up, let me just say the “article” was promptly returned. I did end up purchasing a more comfortable and breathable alternative but even then I wore it on a grand total of two occasions; my very first day in Korea when I was a timid newbie traveller and on a particularly skeezy overnight bus that I took by myself from Hanoi to Hoi An, Vietnam when I legit thought my backpack would get stolen.

Let’s be real though – especially for women – money belts suck. They’re bulky, they’re sticky in hot weather, and how awkward is it to pull down your pants/lift up your shirt at the bank when you need access to your credit/debit card? I have to be in a real pickle of a situation, to put it mildly, to actually use a money belt. Moreover, thieves know that traditional money belts exist. An experienced robber isn’t just going to take your bag – what would prevent them from just lifting up your shirt and taking your money belt as well?

That’s why when I learned about this really unique company, StashBelt, I wanted to highlight it on The Lifestyle Project. StashBelt is a Canadian-Kenya initiative that was founded with the goal of creating the best money belt available. Skilled African artisans, using quality tools and leather, are provided with training programs and competitive wages so they can manufacture truly innovative money belts. If that wasn’t cool enough, they also channel a portion of their profits into a foundation they created to give microfinance goals to Kenyan entrepreneurs. Check out this 3 minute video below to learn more about StashBelt, or if you’re short on time skip to the 1 minute mark to see exactly the kind of innovation that I’m talking about.

This is not a sponsored post and StashBelt has no idea who I am. I have not personally used their product before so this is not a review. I just wanted to bring attention to a socially responsible company that I think is doing really great things. 

As I’ve mentioned before, I enjoy sharing new products that I find from small businesses who put the focus on quality first and profit second. I don’t think the world is inherently a dangerous place, but I do recognize that there are some sticky situations that travellers can find themselves in where an extra sense of security is never a bad thing. I think StashBelts are a way great to secure some piece of mind without sacrificing fashion or comfort. My husband and I will definitely be looking into these for our next backpacking trip abroad!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Packing List for the Caribbean

I'm off to the beautiful islands of Trinidad and Tobago for the next few days! I'll be quieter than usual on the social media front but new posts are still scheduled for next week so make sure to come back and visit!

As I've gotten a bit older I try to pack a bit lighter... not saying I'm very good at it but whenever I go off for a little beach vacay I think it's so important to make sure that most of the pieces I pack are remixable so I can get the most out of my suitcase. Here are some things I'm packing and some things I wish I was packing :)
Destination: Caribbean!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Carpe Diem

I caught a glimpse of my tattoo in the mirror the other day and it made me pause and think about the meaning behind it. I have the words carpe diem tattooed in script on the back of my neck (carpe diem means "Seize the Day" in Latin). I love my little tattoo but because it’s tucked away and hidden sometimes I forget that I even have it.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Met Gala 2013: Best and Worst Dressed

Every year Vogue hosts the Costume Institute Gala, aka the Met Gala, to celebrate the opening of the Costume Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. This red carpet is considered the best of the best in the fashion world precisely because it caters specifically to the fashion industry. Edgy, contemporary, fashion-forward pieces dominate the red carpet and safe wholesome dresses are (supposed to be) left at home.

This year’s theme was Punk: Chaos to Couture. The priority is supposed to be theme first and pretty second. I’ve gathered the highlights of which fashionistas rocked punk glam and my top 3 picks for best dressed. Of course, what is a red carpet without a worst dressed list so keep on scrolling to see my choices for the top 3 offenders as well.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

4 Essentials for Travelling in Style

Guess what?! In 10 short days I will be travelling to the beautiful islands of Trinidad and Tobago to celebrate my cousin's wedding!!! Can you tell how excited I am? In case not let me add a few emoticons and unnecessary exclamation marks :D !!*!&@#&!!!!*$!!! :)

My family is from Trinidad so I've made a few trips to the islands over the years, but this will be my first time bringing my new husband down and also our first time as a married couple attending another wedding.

In anticipation of our trip, I wanted to share four of my essentials for travelling in style:


Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: What to Wear for Your Engagement Photos

May is officially the beginning of summer wedding season and I’m thrilled to introduce part one of my Wedding Wednesday series. Yesterday I talked about 10 wedding tips I learned from planning our big day and today I’ve got some outfit inspiration of all you brides-to-be. If you’re getting married in the next few months, you’ve probably already got your wedding dress picked out, but what about all your other pre-wedding events?

We all know that the LBD gets lots of love, but today I want to talk about the LWD. In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with a white dress for your engagement photos. In fact, I think it’s a super cute idea to wear white for all of your pre-wedding events (might as well keep the theme going, right?).

This lace dress from Modcloth feels very romantic and whimsical to me – perfect for an afternoon engagement photo shoot! I especially love the flutter sleeves and the subtle heart pattern. I added a distressed denim vest and bright blue espadrilles for a little bit of colour and variety in texture.

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