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Thursday, September 05, 2013

Big Changes

In my very first blog post, I discussed how growing up I felt pressure to follow a certain kind of path in life: University. Grad School. Corporate career. Buy a house. Have kids. Retire. Relax. 

As I grow into my twenties and learn more about myself, I don't know if I necessarily want or don't want those things any more. All I know is that if they happen, I want them to happen in an exciting way. An adventurous, passionate, stimulating kind of way. A way that my husband and I intentionally choose, on a path that we actively decide to pursue, not just moving along as the current of life pushes us in the direction we’re expected to travel.

Last week I quit my first “big girl” job after two years of employment in the corporate world and steady paycheques every two weeks. It’s time to pursue new creative and professional opportunities and I’m excited and anxious and ready to be entering a new phase of our lives, as Matthew and I like to refer to it. Plan C if you will. The good ole days in Ottawa are coming to an end.

My husband is seeking a commission in the United States Marine Corp. (That sounds super formal to me but I’m just going with how Matthew told me to describe it... in normal people talk he is going into the military and becoming a USMC Officer.) He’s already spent four years as an enlisted Marine and deployed around the world, and when he left the Corp. three years ago we thought it was the end of that chapter. I know it’s way more common for Americans, but military life was completely foreign to me before I met Matthew. His heart is pulling him back though and I completely support his decision, so here we are, wrapping up life in Canada, and getting ready to make some serious changes. We are heavily considering international posts and experiencing ex-pat life in a new corner of the world, but for now we have a few adventures that need to happen first. 

Despite planning for everything now, Matthew's training is delayed until this time next year, so before I officially become a "Marine Wife" we’ve decided to take a break to travel. We’ve worked our butts off to save a bunch of money and want to spend some quality time with our families and friends in the States and Canada. With the extra time we're also so stoked to go on a four month long backpacking trip through Central America from January to April next year!!! 

Tuesday was a pretty momentous morning for us. It was the first day back after Labour Day weekend aka the official end of summer aka back to school for Canadians (you Americans are weird with your early August start dates!). Instead of rushing off to work and class, like we’ve done for so many years in the past, on Tuesday we enjoyed brunch together with the sunlight streaming across the kitchen table and purchased plane tickets to San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

I have so much to talk about and am so looking forward to sharing our adventures on this little blog of mine. I hope that you’ll stick around with me as I navigate through this next chapter of my life and share a bunch of stories along the way. Carpe diem!

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  1. Wow, how amazing!! I am so, so excited for you. This sounds like a once in a lifetime opportunity and I cannot wait to hear more about it!

    1. That's so sweet of you Heather, thank you mucho for the support! (uhhh.. I need to start working on my Spanish lol) This change of pace has really inspired me for my blog too and I'm very excited to share :)

  2. This is so amazing! Your mom got me all caught up a couple of nights ago. I had no idea all of this was happening (especially with your job!). I am glad you are making the right choices for you in the here-and-now! I know it's going to be wonderful.
    Honduras looks amazing! I'll have to call you guys one night to get all the details!

    1. Thanks Aimee, ahhh the change does feel good :D I think we're going to stay in Honduras for the first month or so. I'm super excited as we're looking at long-term accommodations and where to get our scuba diving certifications. Looking forward to chatting more soon!!

  3. What?! That is amazing! Seriously, I am so excited for you! My SIL is from Honduras, and because of her, I have always wanted to go. You guys are going to have an amazing time!

    I think it is so cool that you guys are willing to just go for your dreams!

    1. Thanks Ashley, I can't tell you how good it feels to have all of this support! It was a hard balance of working to make money and have that pay off in the future vs. living a life that makes us happy, but I think we've hit a point where things are really good right now :D Btw if your sis in law has any suggestions of where to go please pass them on! It's so exciting to do all of the trip planning now!

  4. This is great news Danielle! The backpacking trip sounds long and fun. I'm excited to see pictures and live vicariously through you both. :-)


    1. I'm so excited to share pics and stories so it is absolutely wonderful to hear that I've got readers who are interested in that too! Thanks for your encouragement Mo :)

  5. Awesome Danielle! I'm so happy for you! I didn't come to these realizations until this year so you're way ahead of me. :) Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures.

    1. Haha I don't know about being way ahead of you on anything, but thank you for your support Alison! There were just too many times where my heart was aching and trying to send me a message, so I finally started listening. I'm looking forward to sharing more as I try to figure it all out ;)

  6. This is going to be a very exciting time for you! I can't wait to hear about your adventures and see photos. I wish you and Matthew the best.

    xx Donald

  7. Oh wow how exciting! I seriously can't wait to follow your adventures!!!

  8. I was going to ask what Matthew does now because I remember you saying he used to be a Marine. I can't believe he's going back! It's great that he loves it but I couldn't imagine. My bf is currently in the Navy and I don't think we would ever go back once he's out but that's the thing about life... you can't plan it. I'm so excited for you guys and can't wait to read about everything you end up doing!


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