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Friday, June 28, 2013

June Monthly Reads


Ladies, most of us are in the thick of summertime. I find that as the weather heats up and I start moving a lot more (think walking around exploring a new area for the afternoon), it can get a little uncomfortable in certain areas if ya know what I mean! So for those of us whose thighs touch, wouldn't you agree that this is the best idea ever?

A thoroughly entertaining and very well written series of emails about when it's not okay to work for free.

Steph just had her 10 year anniversary of graduating high school and shares 10 things she learned in that time.

A night in Brazil. Swoon-worthy travel romance material.

Interested in men's beauty? Did you know that Tom Ford is launching his own line of skincare and concealer for the guys in your life?

For my blogging buddies out there, here's great read about how to avoid the jealousy and comparison trap and another with 10 tips about how to promote your blog.

A beautifully written and honest post about living the simple life. Kendi is one of those bloggers who's "made it" and it's so refreshing to have her open up and share something so personal about what's going on behind the blogging scene.

And I leave you with this... Remember when I wrote about 5 things I miss about living in Korea? One of those things was the often hilarious past time of "people watching". Now of course I could people watch anywhere in the world, but Korea (or Asia really) offers a whole other level of novelty. Ever heard of the face-kini? See below for your viewing pleasure. Happy Friday folks :)

Always gotta protect yourself from the sun.


  1. Great links today!
    Only had time to peruse the first 2 so far (have to get SOME work done today) but both are AWESOME. I will be checking back for the rest. Thanks!

  2. Thank you for featuring me, I really appreciate it. I will be checking out the others in a bit :) Have a great weekend!


    1. You're most welcome Donald. Hope your weekend was great too!

  3. Thank you for the mention, Danielle! I'm so glad you liked the story.

    1. I always enjoy your posts Brenna! Happy to feature one of my favourite Canadian bloggers.

  4. What great links! Thank you for sharing.


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