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Saturday, December 07, 2013

What I'm Wearing: At Home

If you were to see me working away at home, or perhaps if you stopped by mi casa for a mug of something warm on this wintery weekend, you'd likely find me with my hair thrown up in a bun wearing one of my husband's oversized shirts with leggings. My standard, go-to, "I'm chillin" outfit.

comfy leggings

We'd chat about what's going on in the world today, and I'd confess to only knowing a fraction of what I should about Nelson Mandela. He passed away on Thursday, the same night as the film about his life premiered, "Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom". I'd like to see that over the holiday break. Melyssa posted a beautiful roundup of Mandela's most famous quotes, a very inspiring read if you have a couple minutes to spare. My favourite?
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

On a more personal level, I'd tell you that I went to a travel clinic to get my vaccinations for our trip and now I have two red welts the size of my palm on each of my arms. They're swollen, hot, itchy, and painful. The nurse said that if I didn't have an allergic reaction in the first 20 minutes (which I didn't) I'd be fine, but it's been two days now and I'm slightly concerned. I'll wait it out for one more then see if I need to follow up...

For those who are curious, in preparation of going to Central America I received my tetanus, Hep A, and flu shots (for free -- go Canada!), and paid $55 for a typhoid vaccination as well. I'll also be taking anti-malarial meds while I'm down there. None of the needles particularly hurt, but  my left arm (where I got my typhoid shot) ached for two days and was very painful to the touch. Last night however, my right arm (where I got my Tet+Hep and flu shots) was red, swollen, and on fire. Hopefully these reactions won't last for much longer.

working from home outfit
I'm smiling because I secretly have Baileys in my mug :)
Now's the point where I'd stop talking about myself and ask you what's been going on in your life lately. Did you score any good deals with your Christmas shopping? Did you catch the latest episode of Scandal yet? (Vermont! Liv's mom! Quinn and the TEETH! So much going on) What about family holiday plans? I'd tell you M and I'll be spending Christmas with my side of the family in Toronto then driving approximately 15 hours to Nashville, TN to see his side before leaving in January. Fortunately we are both seasoned with road trips and our little car (aka Peppy) passed his inspection this morning with flying colours, so we're looking forward to the drive down south. 

 Old Navy men's plaid shirt / Lulu Lemon leggings / Roots wool socks / Sorel boots / Le Chateau pashmina

What's your comfy go-to outfit when you're relaxing at home?

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  1. Vaccinations are the worst. Kyle always has to get them because of his job and he almost alway has an reaction. Btw since you asked... his deployment is getting cut short next month! But only because they're sending him to school in Chicago but his schedule will be normal and he won't be living on a ship so I'm ecstatic.

    I'm excited for your trip like I'm the one going. Can't wait to see your pictures!!!

    1. AHH That's such wonderful news!!!!!!!! Long distance in country is a million times better than long distance and being deployed. I'd love to read some posts about romantic weekends in Chicago when we guys get to visit each other regularly :)

  2. Yikes! I've never traveled anywhere where I've needed vaccinations but oh needles!

    Your outfit is cute and I love the Baileys shot! :)

    1. Oh needles is right!! And let's be real, my outfit isn't that cute but it sure is comfy lol ;) What can I say -- working from home and elastic waist pants go hand in hand for me.

  3. Oooh so many shots! Boo! But so exciting because it really means that your travels are so close!

    I have to say, my "lounging" outfit is not nearly as cute as yours... you look great!

    1. That's the positive attitude I should be adopting! Thankfully my reactions have calmed down and now I just have two purple bruises. As for my comfy clothes, the pics in this post are obviously glammed up a notch. Currently I'm in baggie sweats and no makeup so don't worry, we all have our days.

  4. I like the name of your car! :-) I love men's shirt and majority of mine are mens. Cute and comfy look with the leggings. Nothing exciting on my end but have a great time on your holiday visits.


    1. His full name is Peppy LePepster to be perfectly honest. Makes me laugh every time!

      Thanks for the holiday wishes & all the best to you and yours! <3

  5. Yikes, your poor, itchy and swollen is not fun. But your trip to Central American I have a feeing will be worth all the pain from the vaccinations:)
    Take to me Nashville and save me from this crazy arctic freeze hanging over WPG! lol!

    I lounge the same way at home too, comfy sweats and oversized sweatshirts or shirts (and no bra- shh don't tell anyone) :):)

    xo, Jackie

    1. haha yes the trip is certainly worth the pain (which has fortunately passed and now I'm just left with a couple bruises). And as for lounging clothes... sans bra is 100% given. Ah the freedom! lol

  6. Your go-to chilling outfit is the same as mine. I just can't wear jeans and trousers at home, they are the opposite of comfy :)

    1. I know! Mine come off (along with jewellery too) as soon as I get through the door.


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