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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me :)

Overlooking the volcanoes and city of Antigua in Guatemala
I'm writing this the day before my 27th birthday and I finally feel like I'm happy again since my husband went back to the States. After he left Antigua, I spent five days on the Pacific coast in El Salvador and a long weekend in Leon, Nicaragua. Now I'm finally on Little Corn Island and I can say it's for sure worth the effort to get out here. 

This 1.5 square km island is on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua and required me to pull an all-nighter to reach here the day before my birthday so I can wake up tomorrow and just relax. I'm writing "journal style", that is, with an actual pencil and notebook. Beyond me the view is simply incredible (not what's pictured above, though that was beautiful too, but it's from our last weekend in Antigua together). Outside the back porch of my guesthouse in Little Corn, tropical green shrubbery grows abound with palm trees fringing the edge of the yard.

To the front of the hotel are rocking chairs facing the calm Caribbean sea. The best feature about where I'm staying (Lobster Inn, $20/night) is its spacious balcony around the property. It's very relaxing, breezy, and makes up for the expensive flight and terrifying 40 minute open-water panga ride. I was quite nervous as the waves were almost as big as those we encountered on the ferry from Honduras to Belize except this time the boat was considerably smaller.

Here in Little Corn there are no cars or roads, just pathways and nature trails. Wheelbarrows are common to carry heavy items and locals speak English with a fun Caribbean accent. After walking around and booking myself a 90 minute massage for my birthday, I promptly fell asleep for a four hour siesta before having dinner with two girls, an American and Austrian (who's celebrating her birthday today) that I recently met.

My husband left me a birthday present (I can tell it's some sort of book) all wrapped up with a t-shirt and medical tape before he left. Ahh the wrapping paper of travellers! I haven't peeked at all so far but I don't think I'll be able to hold out til tomorrow when I wake up, I might only be able to wait until the clock strikes midnight. Oh my god the mosquitos are eating me alive so it's time to go. Last thing I want is to wake up tomorrow with giant welts everywhere.

Good night world. When you read this tomorrow I'll be one year older, officially in my late twenties. How weird is that...

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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! That is so sweet that your husband left you gift. When I read that I literally saw Aww out loud. I hope you have a fabulous day and enjoy each and every minute of your journey!

    1. Thanks so much girl, I had a great birthday! (and when I opened up my gift it was the sweetest book I've ever received)

  2. Happy birthday! Little Corn sounds like a wonderful place, always love going places where there are no cars. Enjoy your massage :)

    1. This is my first time on such a small island and it's so nice to see there are still parts of the world that aren't touched by technology.

  3. Happy birthday!! Little Corn seems like a great place to connect with the world around you, a nice getaway indeed.

    1. Thanks Donald! That's the perfect way to describe it

  4. Happy belated birthday! I'm glad it was worth it for you.

    1. Thank you Candice! Yup, definitely an experience but so worth it :)

  5. Happy birthday girl! This is definitely a memorable one :)


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