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Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Morning Confess Sesh

Due to some very sweet comments on last month's confession post, I've decided to come back for round two. In no particular order, I confess:
  • Last week I binge read The Fault in Our Stars. I totally got sucked into the hype and borrowed my sister-in-law's copy. The book absolutely lives up to its reputation and had me completely wrapped up in the story!  In fact, if this were not a confessions post, I wouldn't admit that I had to stop reading on three separate occasions because I was crying so hard the words on the page were swimming in front of me. Have you seen the movie yet? What did you think?
  • I've been watching House Hunters and Property Brothers wayyy too much, especially for someone that doesn't have close to enough money to buy a property of her own. Also, on PB, do the buyers not know what show they're on? How are they always surprised that the first house is way over budget? And why do they always doubt what a paint job, new counters, and new floors can do?
  • I've gained back any weight I lost in Central America and more. Why do I love to eat all the things I should not be eating?
  • I really hate sticker decals on the back windshields of minivans and SUVs (if you have these I'm probably about to offend you). Look at what you're driving – obviously you have a family. Duh. But thanks for spelling it out that you’re married with three kids, two dogs, a cat, and (gasp!) enjoy playing soccer. Never would’ve guessed
  • I drink probably more than my fair share of wine. This is especially due to the fact that we received a coupon for $100 off a case (that’s 12 bottles!) and now there’s always wine on tap
  • I was absolutely baffled the first time I saw a drive-thru with suction tubes at the bank! What the wha? We don’t have this in Canada. Apparently you just put your documents in there and it gets sucked up to the teller inside the building
  • I’m terrified every time an automatic toilet flushes itself. It scares the shit out of me would be the appropriate expression. Why can't those things wait an extra 30 seconds?
  • I found a tick that was trying to burrow its way into my stomach this morning! So gross! They seem to be everywhere in TN
  • I told my friends I would rather skip out of movie night than watch a horror film and this is the reaction I got:

Confessions are only fun when they go both ways! Now I want to hear from you. Share your Monday morning confessions with me in the comments below.

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  1. I´m loling on your ¨ Why do I love to eat all the things I should not be eating?¨because I´m like that too and I´m a horror films sucker! :)

    1. Always comforting to know there's someone who can relate! :)

  2. You know what, I was actually thinking that about automatic toilets on the weekend. I went to one and it scared the shit outta me. It's all too quick! My confession is I have just discovered Netflix and am already addicted

    1. I know - there should be a clearance of like 3 feet or something to make sure you're far enough away!

  3. Did my face really look like that when you said you'd rather skip movie night? Haha! Scary movies are my favorite. I can't imagine why everyone doesn't love them. Regardless... we could never do movie night without you.

    1. hahaha it was more Kevin who did a full swing of his head in my direction with an open mouth and everything! I think at some point we should do a girls movie night with Em and go to see The Fault in Our Stars ;)

  4. Lol! These are so funny. I must admit "The Fault in Our Stars" had me bawling as well. I liked the movie, it was cute, but of course the book conveyed more of the emotions as usual.

    1. As I was reading it, I was thinking how hard it'd be to have Hazel's running commentary translate into a movie. Nobody thinks aloud all the time, right? That'd be way too cheesy, so it makes sense that the movie couldn't capture the emotion in quite the same way. I keep hearing good things though, so I think I'll check it out this week :)

  5. I definitely cried more in the book than in the movie, though I think its because I prepared myself to be calm and not to make hysterical sobbing noises in public!
    House Hunters (or the Boston version of it) Bought the house next door to my parents. It was definitely interesting to see them do multiple takes of scenes and take more than the set amount of weeks they had planned to get the house fixed and sold!
    ALSO- You lost weight in Central America?! Lucky girl. I definitely gained weight (I ate so damn much!) so I'm working on losing it!

    1. I have to prep myself before movies too! haha... I remember when The Notebook used to get me sobbing! And for eating in Central America, oh man did I do a lot of that lol. Towards the end I was over all the carbs and tortillas that come with each meal and I was so damn hot that I lost my appetite a lot of the time. Plus, generally sweating every day helped too :S I'm sure with all the Crossfit that you do that weight'll drop off in no time!

  6. I love Property Brothers too but it makes me anxious for a house of my own!

    1. I know what you mean! Every episode I'm like... well that's another thing to add to the wish list haha

  7. I'm so the same with horror movies - pass! And I'm so glad you admitted to reading The Fault in Our Stars!! It's on my kindle but I was kinda worried about starting it with all the hype and whatnot. I might pick it up next :)

    1. Just make sure you don't read it in public or else you'll have some uncomfortable explaining to do about why tears are pouring down your face lol

  8. That's it, I'm reading The Fault In Our Stars next!
    I also drink way too much wine, and I swear, sometimes my diet is so bad, I eat like a 16 year old boy whose parents have gone out of town... that's my confession! ;)

  9. I was very nervous about watching the movie after reading the book but it was good. I cried of course!

  10. Oh that book is sooo good! I have yet to see the movie yet but I think I'm going next week.

    I love that you had never seen those bank-sucker things before! I remember going to the bank with mom as a kid and she would always let me push the sucker-button (surely the have real name!?).

    1. Let's not ruin the fun by googling the bank sucker thing's real name. I actually haven't had the chance to push the button myself, come to think of it, but now I know what one of my summertime goals will be hahah! Also, you're the only person who's commented on the bank sucker confession. How are more people not surprised by these contraptions?

  11. So The Fault in our Stars really lives up to the hype, eh? Okay, maybe I'll break down and read it. I have loved John Green since I discovered his hilarious youtube channel with his brother years ago. Also, yes, ticks are disgusting. They make you feel disgusting when you discover one on your body, too. Yep. And I love to eat, too. Who doesn't?? Related confession: lunch time if my favorite part of my work day.

    1. Your comment got me sucked into his youtube videos!!! Thank you (but curse you) for this. There goes my Friday productivity!

  12. Oh fun! I confess, I bought a box of wine the other day and it is amazingly delicious…and I also had those darn stickers on my car, but they're gone now;) Phew!

    1. Good for you that those stickers are gone!! And I have zero prejudice against boxed wine, it's usually my go-to... hopefully it lasts you more than a few days though! lol


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