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Friday, July 18, 2014

Five Favourites

Sloths in Costa Rica

Fave photo: I just finished going through some more photos from Central America. This cutie is from Costa Rica. Did you know that sloths spend 90% of their lives upside down? After spending so much of their time hanging from the trees, they get very disoriented right-side-up when they're on land, which is when they're most vulnerable to attacks. This sloth was attacked by dogs which is why he's now recovering at Jaguar Rescue Centre.

Fave snack: Have you tried Talenti’s gelato yet? It’s incredible. My absolute favourite ice-cream-frozen-yogurt-gelato-cold dessert out there. Sea salt caramel is worth its spoonful in gold, I swear it’s so good! 

Fave book: If I’m not travelling I’m usually reading about travelling. Getting Stoned with Savages is a light and funny read about the author’s expat years in the South Pacific. Fiji is totally on my wanderlist.

Fave recent purchase: As you might’ve seen me gushing on Instagram, I am in love with my new Kate Spade planner. It starts next month and I can’t wait for August to begin! Maybe if I actually follow through with all the things I write in my planner my days will become much more productive. A girl can hope, right? (Second favourite purchase goes to these pants from Old Navy.)

2014-2015 Kate Spade Planner

Fave recent blog post: If you read a lot of lifestyle-type blogs, you’ve probably noticed that the blogosphere is dominated by Mormons and other very religious folk. While I think it’s perfectly fine to blog about your religion, it’s generally something that I’m not interested in, so I tend to ex out immediately. This week, however, Nadine’s post about God caught my eye. While we don’t necessarily share the same spiritual beliefs, I’ve also walked away from organized religion. I think there's a whole lot more to being a good person than doing something because the Bible told you so.  

What are some of your favourite moments from the week?

Linking up with Allieology / Lauren Elizabeth / Style Elixir.

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