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Saturday, October 04, 2014

The Story Behind My Favourite Photo on Instagram

"We were together. I forget the rest." -- Walt Whitman. And just like that it's been two years. Love you BB #love #marriage #wedding #happyanniversary

I like this photo for obvious reasons: the handsome stud I’m about to make out with, a reminder of our wedding, and the fact that my arm looks skinny. What makes it my favourite photo on Instagram is the story behind the moment.

When I was planning our wedding, I found these adorable decor pieces for the reception  kissing bells. The winery where we got married wasn’t too keen about clinking glasses with cutlery to get the bride and groom to kiss, so when I found the kissing bells that doubled as placeholders I thought it was the perfect solution. On the back is a really sweet poem that reads, "Today as we gather together / Wish us a love to last forever / If you would like us to share a wedded kiss / Ring the bell for lifelong bliss!"

I’m usually pretty hesitant about being all kissy in public but there’s no room for being self-conscious at your own wedding! Seconds before this photo was snapped M whispered, “Let’s give them a show,” which is what prompted that huge smile on my face. I love how we look so genuinely in love. 

Today I'm linking up with Helene and Taylor for #Blogtember14. What’s the story behind your favourite photo?

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