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Friday, August 16, 2013

It’s Friday and I’m Just Sayin’... Baby Bump Edition

It’s time for the second edition of It’s Friday and I’m Just Sayin’ and today I’m talking about baby bumps. Excessively cupping them to be more specific. Between celebrities on red carpets, people online, or those I see in real life, for some reason I keep seeing pregnant belly cupping all around me and for some other reason people think this is so cute and stinkin’ adorable. 


Now before you get all huffy on me, let me say that I recognize belly cupping has its purposes. Instance #1: A 10 pound being is growing inside of you and that shit can get heavy! Sometimes you just need a little extra support. Instance #2: You and your man are taking maternity photos and it’s a super cute moment you want your photographer to capture. Instance #3: You’re in the privacy of your own home / presence of your friends and family / it’s your baby shower and everyone’s fawning.

But celebrities who complain about keeping their personal lives private then turn around and exploit motherhood as a career when convenient (ahem... Jessica Alba)... or women who take every single opportunity to remind you that they’re pregnant and simultaneously rub their baby bumps while filling you in on the latest details that you weren’t sure you wanted to know in the first place when you were just trying to get some H2O at the water cooler... that’s a little weird. 

And while we’re on this topic, at which point do pregnant women decide that all time must be measured in weeks? Is there a hormone that’s released in the first trimester that causes women to forget that greater units like months and years exist? Did you ever describe things in 38-week or 21-month increments prior to becoming pregnant? Didn’t think so. 

Look, we get it. You didn’t have an extra large hamburger at dinner that’s sitting uncomfortably in your stomach and accidentally making it protrude in a perfectly round bump. You’re preggers and you want to highlight your growing tummy and declare to the world that a baby is on the way! If you’re the guy, maybe you’re really proud and want to show off exactly how far your sperm was able to swim. 

Images via WENN
But if your baby bump is cuppable, it’s probably quite conspicuous, meaning we know it’s there. Not exactly a secret anymore! There’s no need for the super obvious gentle resting of your hand just so to highlight a bump that is most definitely not related to bloating the miracle of life growing within. 

I’d love to hear what your take is on this! Leave a comment below and join in the discussion. After all, it’s Friday and I’m just sayin’...

Linking up with Heather from Fiery and Opinionated. Have a great weekend!

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  1. When I am pregnant - I will be sure to: cup my baby bump at every oportunity because now I know how much you love it (justkiddingnotkidding), wear only dresses that are worthy of such baby bump, AND start sporting 6-8 inch stelletos at all times.

    In all seriousness though (cause we KNOW I am not wearing any sort of stelletos - even a kitten heel for that matter - or high fashion clothing)...are we getting baby envy over here?

    I'm just sayin'...

    1. HAHA!! I love your snark Aimee. And I can definitively say no to the baby envy, but ya got me on everything else ;)

  2. hahaha i love this. measuring everything in weeks drives me bonkers! that turns into months also once they have a baby. how old is your baby? 24 months? let's just say 2 years then, mmkay??

    1. LOL yes totally. It's like you're getting a math quiz when chatting with 90% of new mamas!

    2. Oh of course thank you for starting up this series. Now that I've been in the writer's seat, these posts can be a little hard to write without coming off super bitchy, but they're really fun to read! Plus if you can't share your honest opinion on your own blog then where can you?

  3. I agree that the cupping thing is a little weird, especially when the guy is doing it.
    I think I get the whole counting in weeks thing though. Pregnancy is so unbearably long and uncomfortable that every week you get through feels like a major accomplishment ha.

    1. Hehe well you definitely have my respect for that, and your little Eve is absolutely adorable (I love how she's always rocking a spiky pony on your blog)! I still think the switch-over to noting everything in weeks/months is odd though, especially when chatting with non-parents. Maybe it's worse coz I'm just awful at math on the fly lol...

  4. CTFU! This post had me rolling especially the Jessica Alba comment. Isn't she funny? I think that maybe the cupping and hand on the belly is a unwritten rule when it comes to posing. You just HAVE to do it. ;-) I would really enjoy it if you wrote more of these posts on the regular. You're quite funny and sarcastic which is how I like my friends.


  5. haha yeah, I totally know what you mean. Personally I also hated it when people would rub and pat my belly when I was pregnant... it got a little bit annoying after awhile. I guess the whole cupping the belly is kind of a gesture of showing intimacy to the baby before it's born? But I totally agree, it's such an overdone celebrity thing. I only cupped the bottom of my belly during my last month of pregnancy to protect my bladder because she kept kicking it and making me pee!
    okay maybe that was TMI :(


  6. Haha this is hilarious. I completely agree with the whole months thing, very annoying. I hate when people say their child is 36 or 48 months! Can we use YEARS please. Maybe I should start saying I'm 211 months and see how long it takes for someone to figure out. I hope you put more posts like this, and don't worry about sound bitchy it is très funny.

    xx Donald

    1. LOL that's exactly what I'm saying!! I would love to see the look on someone's face when you told them you were 211 months old hahaha. Thanks for the encouragement Donald, I think I'll write another It's Friday... post next month too!

  7. Haha!! This was really funny to read!! :)

    xoxo -B ♡

  8. this was hilarious! i do think that sometimes its a little cheesy... but as far as im concerned when a woman is pregnant its her time to shine. let her have the spot light, ive got no problem with it. i mean, there are soooo many uncomfortable aspects of pregnancy, let her have that ONE thing to feel special about :)

  9. and this just hit me...

    if i were pregnant and cupping my belly it would probably be because i couldnt wait to hold and hug my baby. is that weird? is the belly cup the equivelant of a hug??? lol

    1. LOL! I haven't heard that one before but sure why not! hhaha. Just not on the red carpet or every single outfit post please!


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