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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What I'm Wearing: Pops of Neon









Joe Fresh white vneck tshirt / Express 'Stella' jeans / Mix No. 6 neon captoe heels via DSW (I  got them for half price in-store) / Steve Madden neon orange crossbody purse (similar here and here) / H&M braided belt (similar) /  Neon infinity scarf via DSW / Aldo turquoise drop earrings and bracelets

As soon as my eye caught this multi-coloured neon scarf I knew it had to be mine. Ditto for those fabulous heels I got on clearance for $22. Do neon pink and orange and yellow even go together? Well they do in my book! Coincidentally, both pieces were picked up at DSW Shoes (a store that I see and hear so much about but feel deprived of because we don't have it in Canada) when I was visiting my friend in Chicago to attend her wedding last month. So you better believe I made a beeline for DSW as soon as I found out it was just a couple minutes away from where we were getting our nails done. Of course I didn't think out this plan properly because who goes shopping for shoes after getting a pedicure! Not my brightest moment once I smudged perfectly applied nail polish, but since I'm getting better at doing my nails anyway, I guess it's good for practice.

I wore this outfit to meet friends for some casual drinks this past weekend where we chatted about Breaking Bad and our predictions for this final leg of the season. *Spoilers ahead* My husband and I don't have cable tv so we wait to download new episodes then watch them together on Monday nights (this also applies to The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones). What did you guys think of Sunday's mid-season premiere? I'm not a huge fan of the "flash-forward scenes" but I definitely liked how they picked it up the show right where we left off, with Hank on the pooper piecing together the identity of W.W. The climax, of course, was the confrontation between Hank and Walt once the tracking device was discovered. You could see the moment of acknowledgement in Walt's eyes once he knew he'd been found out.

Walt's last line, threatening Hank to tread lightly, gave me chills. Only because it was said in the "deep and serious Heisenberg voice" naturally, but chills nonetheless. I'm so happy the writers went there and offered the viewers what they wanted (okay okay, what I wanted). Hank vs. Walt. Cop vs. Villain. Good vs. Evil. You get the idea. Walt is such a manipulator and I love to hate him. But I think I love to hate Skyler a little bit more. Verdict's still out on that one...

 Anyone else on board the Breaking Bad train? What did you think of Sunday's episode? (BTW, not sure how this turned into a Breaking Bad chat. I guess this is my version of The Bachelorette! hah)


  1. Love your outfit! Definitely my cup of tea...That's a really cute infinity scarf too. I love scarves but I never had one that is the infinity kind. It looks better than the regular ones.


    1. Thanks Kaye! This is my first infinity scarf and I love how easily it stays put, no fidgeting with adjusting throughout the day, and it's really lightweight too!

  2. I LOVE those heels so much! The whole outfit is pretty great :)

    My husband watches Breaking Bad, but I haven't gotten into it. I've watched a few episodes and I think it's genius, but it kind of freaks me out. I'm such a baby though so I get scared for no reason haha

    1. Thank you!! And I must say the heels were quite comfortable considering the price - I spent a solid hour on my feet that day and after a 10 min break I was back on my feet again.

      I know what you mean about those tense moments on TV because I am such a baby too. My husband hates that I will never watch scary movies with him. I draw the line at The Walking Dead lol, that's about as scary as I'll go!

  3. Cute outfit!! I love splashes of bright colors :) You look lovely! My husband and I do the same.. we download all our favorite shows and splurge on them together. I've heard amazing things about breaking bad. We watch Game of thrones and walking dead too! Have you watched Revolution, Continuum or Under the dome? All great shows too!
    Glad I found your blog today!


    1. Hi Christie! Thank you for the compliment :) I haven't seen any of those shows but appreciate the suggestions! We're looking for a new series to watch so I will keep those in mind.

  4. I just started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix. I'm currently on season 3. It's a pretty cool show. :-)DSW has great shoes and accessories. I'm glad you were able to finally check it out for yourself and score some cute shoes. Loving the scarf too.


    1. It took me a while to get into it as the first time we started watching it was right in the midst of wedding planning so we didn't really have the time. By season 3 though (Is that when Gus enters the picture?) I was a huge fan! And yes DSW is awesome, I think it might be for the better that I live far away... ;)

  5. That scarf with those heels are just perfect together! So cute. I'm working on getting caught up with Breaking Bad! I didn't like it when my BF started watching Season 1 but I've come to appreciate it.

    Style of One's Own

    1. I wasn't a huge fan at the beginning either, but after a while it picked up and we got a lot more invested in the characters. Plus Jesse is hilarious lol. Thank you for stopping by and commenting! It's always nice to discover new blogs and I'm enjoying reading through yours :)

  6. love those shoes!!! DSW has the best selection.

    New follower btw :)

    1. Hi Kristen, so happy you found my blog!! And yes we are on the same page about DSW, I was in heaven :D Maybe it's a good thing for my savings account that I don't live closeby...

  7. Oh my gosh, I love every stinkin' piece of this! The pops of neon are so perfect and that scarf? Gorgeous! I would wear this in a minute.

  8. that pop of color is really nice!

  9. Great outfit, lady! Obsessing over those shoes. :)

    Thanks for linking up with Style Sessions.

    Lauren xx

    1. You and me both, they're my new favourites :D

      As always, thank you for hosting. I love how your link is always on time, well written, and of course features a super cute outfit! I'm happy to have found your blog!

  10. Super cute look, I love all the pops of color. I've just started watching Breaking Bad...way behind lol. Trying to catch up before the series finale.

    xx Donald

    1. Thanks buddy! And sometimes it's more fun when you're behind on a series cause then you can watch more than one episode a week! :D

  11. This outfit is really cute and I love the shoes paired with that dark, dark jean! :) And the scarf is fun!


    1. Thank you Erika!! These jeans are my absolute favourite!

  12. Love your neons! Those shoes are so cute and what a great price! I looove Breaking Bad as well, and the season premiere didn't dissappoint! I'm with you on loving to hate both Walter and Skylar!

    Style Diary

    1. I know, I was so surprised to see them tucked away in the clearance corner! :) I'm looking forward to seeing the second episode and what the fallout of that conversation is like. Hope you enjoy your Sunday night!

  13. That scarf is gorgeous! Loving your shoes too! I definitely think that neon yellow, orange, and pink go together! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    Life as a Waterleaf

    1. Thank you Sierra! I'm a fan of the colour combo too, I think it works cause of the neutral tshirt and jeans. Thanks for your comment!

  14. Great outfit, I'm in love with your shoes!!!!!

  15. What a fun scarf! LOVE all the color!

    1. Thanks Kristin!! I'm a huge fan of bright colours too :)


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