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Sunday, September 29, 2013

September Links I Love

The transition of the seasons, the beginning of some big changes in my life… September has been quite a month! Lately I’ve been enjoying the morning sunshine from outside the cubicle walls, focusing on my writing, being an awesome wife and coming up with tasty slow cooker meals, trip planning for Central America, going on romantic anniversary dates to the casino, loving fall TV, and playing tennis! I’ve been doing a ton of reading too - here are my favourite links of the month.


Travel Fashion Girl shares her checklist of 10 hostel travel essentials. The only item I’m missing is ear plugs - gotta put those on the list! 

Lauren offers some advice for travellers thinking about house-sitting, an option we're considering while we’re abroad. I'd love to read about more experiences, anyone have a story to share?

Jumpsuits are one of those things that never ever look right on me. The torso is always too short, my crotch looks like it’s hiked up to my bellybutton, and the length always seems to hit that perfectly awkward spot above my ankles which makes me look like I’m rocking high water pants à la Steve Urkel... 


Le sigh. I just have to admire Adriana’s dressy tux-inspired jumpsuit and Julia’s beautiful royal blue piece from afar. 

Looking to start up your own business? Advice from Sir Richard Branson, the billionaire entrepreneur behind the Virgin empire >> “Screw it, just get on and do it!” So eloquent. 

Lately I feel like I've been struggling with how to find my blogging voice. The Indie Chicks share 3 ways to help.

Alison is right on the money with her predictions for the next big fall trend and what she says should be in your closet. 

Let’s end this post with something funny yet thought-provoking - 5 career lessons learned from Heisenberg. (Yes, another Breaking Bad reference.) The series finale is tonight - are you ready? I have a feeling that Jesse is going to be alright and walk away from it all. Walter White, though? I’m not so sure about that… 

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  1. Thanks so much for including me! I'm heading off to check out the other links too.

    1. You're most welcome Alison! Hope you enjoy the round up :)


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