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Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Day in the Life

8am -- wake up to next door neighbour's rooster who likes to crow incessantly starting at 5am. Within a few hours its sound has permeated my sleep bubble. Matthew is often returning from his morning jog and about to hop in the ocean to swim laps. I smartly choose to remain cocooned in bed. What happens when you don't ignore the rooster? Exercise, that's what.

Occasionally we'll both sleep til 8 or so then together we'll go for a normal person's definition of an early morning walk.

About to jump into the ocean after a run

10am -- By 10 the heat is cranked up. Showers followed by breakfast is necessary. We'll either have simple toast and cheese at our guest house (or maybe splurge on Nutella? Yum!) or take a 10 minute walk into town. Our go-to is "desayuno tipico" (Honduran breakfast of two fried tortillas, scrambled eggs, cheese, beans, meat or avocado, and sour cream) with a pineapple smoothie to share. This comes to a total of $10 USD for the two of us including tip.

11am -- During the hottest hours of the day (11-3) Utila Town noticeably slows down as siesta breaks become common place. I read in the shade, indulge in a nap, drop by Alton's Dive Center next door for an afternoon beer, or attempt to go online if the power/internet speed permit. 

If we're going diving in the afternoon we'll head out around 12.30pm and return by 5pm.

Even this iguana knows to stay put during the afternoon
3-4.30pm -- Diving is expensive though, so most times we'll hang out til the sun has cooled off a bit then go snorkelling for the rest of the afternoon. 

5-8pm -- Walk into town (or go a bit further if we didn't have a chance in the morning), catch the sunset, and grab dinner.

8-11pm ish -- Usually turn down a party invite to hang out together back at our place. If the wind's right, we'll star gaze on the dock with drinks in hand, read, and/or catch up on the internet until drooping eyelids get the best of us.

Before you hate me too much, let me say that my days in Utila are numbered. This weekend we'll be leaving Honduras and travelling to Belize where my sister will join us on her reading week from university.

More stories coming soon! In the meantime, here are some photos from our time in Utila.

M channelling his inner yogi
Curried shrimp, coconut rice and beans, fried plantain, and potato and beet salad 

This sign made me laugh

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  1. This is NOT how I imagined backpacking. This is how I imagine the most amazing resort vacation. I am insanely jealous. Glad you are having a good time! XO

    1. Had a great time in Utila, but because we were there for a whole month I wouldn't classify it as actively backpacking. Now that we're in Belize and moving around every three days it's a bit more hectic but still very rewarding.

  2. Still wishing I could head over there! It looks beautiful and sounds relaxing (though quite hot haha) :)

    1. Hot for sure! And relaxing too when we stay in one place for a while. We're on the move through Belize, but at least here I can speak English which is a huge relief!

  3. Wow that looks so pretty. I need the details of your trip! Would you recommend this place for a honeymoon? Are there many places to explore and be in nature! I'm putting this on my honeymoon shortlist seriously but I need to book soon.

    1. Hold up hold up -- are you and Kyle officially engaged?! When's the wedding?! Exciting! Honeymoon talk is a lot of fun! Send me your email address and I'll answer any questions you have.

  4. Yes I do hate you just a little. This all looks amazing!

    1. lol i know i know, but just wait til my next blog post about the ferry ride I endured off the island and you won't be so jealous anymore!

  5. LOL at Aimee's comment. I too did not imagine this to be considered backpacking. It's so relaxing and serene. :-) Amazing photos!


    1. Thank you Mo! I hope I was able to capture some of Utila's beauty through the pics. We stayed in one guesthouse on the island for an entire month so yes it was very relaxing! Now our days are a bit different as we've on the move through Belize. It's a bit more hectic but still very rewarding.

  6. WOW! This looks amazing. What a relaxing place to be. Loved the caskets sign, that's hilarious. The food looks amazing too. What an adventure!

  7. Hi Chick,
    Long time no see! I see that you have been taking loads of tropical pictures and making us all jealous. :) On a side note, I've nominated you for a liebster award! Checkout what that means here: I'm looking forward to seeing your responses! :) When are you coming back?

  8. That breakfast sounds fantastic and I adore plantains! (I'm also a little creeped out by the casket's a little too cheerful and what are those straps for???) Enjoy Belize!

  9. Pleeeeeeeease can we trade loves for just maybe two days? Your day sounds amazing and peaceful and free;)

  10. Um, amazing. I am looking at snow out of my window right now so let's just say I wish I was you right now :)


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