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Friday, September 05, 2014

Five Favourites

Benjamin the Billygoat

Fave photo: This photo makes me laugh every time I look at it. Or should I say them? You know exactly what I'm talking about and I know you're snickering too. Everybody meet my neighbour, Benjamin the Billygoat. Benjamin is in rut right now aka mating season aka he's ripe and smells terrible.

Fave book: I've been a reading fiend over the past couple of weeks! Girlboss, If I Stay, and Attachments were all good (actually, that's not true - Girlboss was disappointing and definitely could have benefited from my editing services). My favourite recent read was Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, an unlikely romantic story set in England that I wasn't able to put down until I finished it at three in the morning.

Fave snack: Carrots + hummus + garlic = love.

Fave recent blog post: I read a post from The Style Dunce about reconciling that some opinions don't matter and it really struck a chord with me. Katie has a lot of spark and snark and her article ignited some of that within me too, which is what prompted me to finally publish my post about Southern Culture Shock. Take a scroll through The Style Dunce - that girl doesn't mince words and I love her for it!

Fave recent purchase: Due to a lengthy immigration process, we've been trying to stay as frugal as possible but do you know how hard it is to not buy anything? I couldn't resist picking up this nail polish for only $1.50 when I was passing through Wal Mart last week. Despite such a cheap price, it's awesome! Excellent coverage and durability plus I love this lavender hue. 

Sinful Colors: Spitfire
New nail polish next to my favourite purchase from last month
What are some of your favourite moments from the week?

Linking up with Style Elixir & Lauren Elizabeth.

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