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Friday, September 26, 2014

Five Favourites

Exploring the Jack Daniels distillery in Lynchberg, TN

Fave photo: It's not a particularly good photo but it makes me laugh. This was taken at the Jack Daniels Distillery right after we finished our sampling tour :)

Fave moment: Hands down the best moment this week was going on a date with my husband to The Melting Pot in downtown Nashville. Like the true gluttons we are, we ordered two bottles of wine, a cheese fondue course, and a chocolate fondue course for dessert. I was forbidden asked very nicely not to bring my camera out so you'll just have to take my word for it that the food, service, atmosphere... everything... was amazing! If you find yourself in Nashville anytime soon, you should definitely check out The Melting Pot!

Fave snack: See above ^Who needs snacks when you ate enough fondue to last a week!

Fave recent blog post: When It Rains, It Pours  a post about big career changes and handling it all with grace from one of my favourite writers.

Fave recent purchase: Allow me to please nerd out on photography talk for a moment: I've had my heart set on buying a new camera lens for a while now. Last Christmas my friend Dave let me borrow two of his prime lenses, a 35 mm 1.8 and 50 mm 1.8, and I fell in love with the 35 mm. I shoot with a Nikon D3200 which has a cropped frame sensor  read more about that here  so the 35 mm lens is a better option for me. It captures images that are very true to what your eye naturally sees and I love the shallow depth of field. This lens was the sweetest anniversary present and I've been practising every day since I've received it!

Love the crisp clarity of the 35 mm 1.8 Nikkor lens

Shallow depth of field from 35 mm 1.8 lens

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth & Style Elixir.

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