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Monday, December 01, 2014

Why I Decided to Get a Job After I Started Freelancing

Every week when Friday rolls around, I get much too ambitious about how much work I think I can accomplish that weekend. I’m going to clean the bathroom (including the tub!), go on a long walk, write a blog post or two, update my business plan, achieve inbox zero (yeah right) and watch only that one hip documentary that teaches me something so it’s practically educational instead of just bingeing on Netflix, right?

When I realize how easy it would be to check everything off my to do list if I actually just focused and made shit happen, I decide to bribe myself into my weekend of productivity by starting with an incentive of sorts. The documentary on Netflix, naturally.

So here we are emerging on Monday with this blog post being one of the few things I have to show for this weekend (unfortunately going down the TV rabbit hole and all those hours spent watching The Good Wife and analyzing whether Julianna Margulies gets botox don’t seem to count). 

Funny gif: The Good Wife
For the record, this is exceptional eyebrow/forehead movement
Anyway, I’m happy I made myself sit down at a proper desk and get back to blogging. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve last posted here and, if there’s anything I’ve learned as a writer, it’s that it’s much easier to produce content when you’re in the habit of writing daily instead of waiting for the perfect moment of inspiration to strike.   

Last month I mentioned that I started a new job. It’s a seasonal merchandising position that has me working up to 30 hours a week as I wait for my green card for the US to be processed (no update yet). It’s nice to have some guaranteed cash flow during the holiday season, the job isn’t stressful, and I figured it looks good on my immigration application that I was able to land a position so quickly after returning to Canada. It’s important to look employable, right?

I wrapped up my latest freelance project last week and I think that’s the last one I’ll take on for 2014. I want to spend the rest of the year looking introspectively at what I’ve accomplished as a solopreneur and planning where I need to adjust so I build my business in 2015.

At a certain point we can all acknowledge that work is work, but it makes a huge difference in perspective and motivation when I’m doing that work for myself. If I don’t hustle, nobody else will. I love being passionate about what I do, but I need to take some time and plan my next moves. My ultimate goal is to become entirely self-employed (which doesn’t sound as ludicrous in blog world as it seems to in “real life”), but I have a lot of work to do before that happens.

Even though this seasonal position is taking up a solid chunk of my time, it’s also given me the proverbial kick in the pants to continue pursuing all the ideas I have buzzing around in my brain.

Inspirational quote: Don't downgrade your dream
via Rachel Gadiel

And since this blog is the telling of not only my projects but my life as well, I’d be remiss not to mention that from a personal perspective I’m still struggling with moments of grief after losing my grandmother in November. Just as I’m writing this post, The Prayer by Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion, the same song that was played during her funeral, came on the radio. For some reason it was followed up by Puff Daddy’s I’ll Be Missing You, which I feel is a private cosmic joke because how can you still be sad when Puff Daddy pre-Diddy is rocking the mic. You can’t, that’s how. 

Sometimes you just have to smile. 
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