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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Find the Silver Lining

In my beautiful polka dotted planner, at the beginning of each month there’s a motivational quote waiting to greet me when I turn the page. In December, that quote was “find the silver lining.” With all that’s been going on in my life, this quote has fit me perfectly.

It makes me pause in my steps whenever I think about tomorrow being Christmas Day and going through all the motions knowing my grandmother isn’t with us anymore. But she is remembered, and she is loved, and she would want the family to be happy and together.

Christmas carousel decor

Today, though, today I get to look at the silver lining because in less than an hour I’m leaving to pick up my husband from the airport! We’ve been living apart for the past two and a half months due to immigration delays so it’s hard to wipe the smile off my face as our countdown is about to come to an end (well, not a permanent end, but I’ll take what I can get). He’s able to stay for the New Year too, so while I’m somber on one hand, on the other I am so grateful. 

As you take the time to celebrate the holidays, or simply enjoy a few days off from work, I hope you're happy and healthy and your heart is full. 

I hope the glow of soft lights is brightening up your face as you're surrounded by your closest friends and family. 

I hope you go to bed tonight feeling loved and at peace. 

Before the year comes to an end and I go into hibernation holiday mode, I need to say one more thing: thank you. Thank you for all of the support you've shown, engaging with me in the comments even when I wasn't the best at replying, listening to me when I needed to be heard, disagreeing with me yet continuing the conversation... Thank you for showing up every day that you did. I am so grateful.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year. See you in 2015 xo

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