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Thursday, January 08, 2015

2015: Currently

Oh hello 2015! I had a hard time seeing you with a scarf wrapped around my face to save me from these brutal arctic winds. I’m happy you’re here though as I have a lot of big things planned for you. 

It’s weird to think that one year ago today I filed the first part of my US immigration visa (which I still haven’t received) and arrived in Honduras to begin a three month long backpacking adventure. January 8, 2014 was a pretty big deal! And though I’m currently  not doing anything nearly as exciting, today is still a good day, and I choose to believe that 2015 will be an even better year.  

So with that being said, let’s catch up! Here’s what I’ve been up to lately…

Skeleton Lake, Muskoka, Ontario

Scenery in Muskoka Lakes, Ontario

Black and white photography - cozy fireplace in the winter

Reading >> o-m-g I’ve been reading all the books. I love reading and it’s also been my way of coping with feelings of grief and sadness. A healthy-ish form of escapism, if you will. After Christmas my husband and I drove up north to my best friend’s cottage in Muskoka (which is a gorgeous area in Central Ontario that’s filled with lakes, wildlife, and beautiful scenery). When we weren’t playing games and drinking copious amounts of wine, I was curled up next to the toasty fireplace reading away (if you look closely in the photo above you can even see my Kindle tucked into the armchair). The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty and Wild by Cheryl Strayed are two recent novels that I enjoyed and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is next on my list.

Binge watching >> House of Lies, which I only just realized is like a “brother show” to House of Cards. Both are Netflix, both are raunchy, and both have powerful male protagonists who do the time out thing and address the audience directly. If you like Don Cheadle (and who doesn’t), you just found yourself a new show to watch over the winter season.

Smelling >> a new candle that I got for Christmas from Bath & Body Works. It’s called Ocean Driftwood and has a musky, masculine scent that reminds me of my husband. 

Looking >> at all the silly photos that were snapped over the holidays. I’m so blessed to have the best group of girlfriends and such a supportive family.

Making >> an official business plan (thanks Regina for these tools).

Feeling >> how chapped my lips are because of the cold!

Playing >> the Kings of Leon album “Only by the Night.” It reminds me of my university days.

Missing >> my friends and family in Tennessee. I think I’ll be getting my green card and moving to the States some time in February.

Dreaming >> about getting a puppy when my husband and I are finally settled in together! We’re thinking medium-sized, medium-energy, and hypo-allergenic. Any suggestions? Currently a mini golden doodle is at the top of my list, but we’re totally open to adopting too.

Remembering >> my first day of kindergarten. I made this ornament twenty-something years ago and my parents still put it on the Christmas tree every year. Look at that hair!

DIY Christmas ornament for young children

Enjoying >> late mornings and a quiet house.

Drinking >> water, water, and more water. Trying to be healthy blah blah blah.

Eating >> fruit, fruit, and more fruit. See above.

Thinking >> about this recent blog post from Kathleen about choosing 2015. I really connect with the idea of being intentional and choosing how we’re going to carry on with our lives every day instead of just shuffling through the week.

Wanting >> to go snowboarding soon! It’s been two years since my last ride and I can’t tell you how much I miss that feeling of coasting through fresh powder. I want to make the most of this winter (but… not right now. I'll wait for these temperatures to calm down). 

What’ve you been up to in the first days of 2015? 

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