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Thursday, November 21, 2013

How To Take a Good Passport Photo

With the holidays right around the corner, lots of us are getting ready to travel so we can spend quality time with our family and friends. If, like mine, your family is spread out over a country or two, that usually means pulling out your passport and getting ready to hop on a plane.

Especially when you're flying to another country, it's important not to let your passport get within six months of its expiry date (some countries refuse to allow entry after this point). If you're coming up on that date, time to queue up at your local passport office and get that sucker renewed! Before you tackle your to-do list, though, let's take a minute to talk about one of the most important parts of your passport, aside from those prized visa stamps -- the photo! 

How many times have you cringed when handing over your passport because the photo is less than flattering? I remember my first "adult" passport, from 16 - 21 years old, my photo was awful. Just terrible. Hair in a slicked back ponytail. Unflattering makeup. The angry look of death which is apparently my natural resting face. With my second photo (pictured below), I overcompensated with too much lipstick and blush. Now that I'm on my third passport I've learned how to pick up my game and today I'm spilling my secrets! 


Here are my top three tips for how to take a good passport photo:

1. Natural makeup -- Today is not the day to try deep plum lips, dark and smokey eyeshadow, or fuscia blush. I suggest wearing neutral, natural, full coverage makeup as passport photos have a tendency to bring out the shadows and make you look washed out. A dash of colour on your lips and extra pump of your eyelash curler then you're good to go!

2. Soft hair -- Passport photos are always taken head-on but this isn't necessarily a flattering angle for some women. While you're not allowed to have hair in your face, you're certainly allowed to show your bangs or pull a few pieces forward to help frame your face and soften your features. Leave those ponytails for the gym!

3. Tiniest of smiles -- Some countries differ about this policy, but in Canada we're not allowed to smile in our passport photos. This means that you have the potential to look like the angriest, grumpiest person in the world for the next 5-10 years whenever you hand over your passport. But here's a little trick that I've gotten away with for my passport and driver's licence over the years -- smile the teeniest tiniest of smiles. Depending on the shape of your lips, some people are dispositioned so that their resting face is one with a natural pout. A little smize for your eyes and smile on your lips does wonders!

From then to now (you shoulda seen my first passport photo! Eek!)

Have any other tips to share for taking good passport photos? Leave a comment below!

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  1. I look like a convicted criminal in my passport photos. :/

    Thanks for the tips!

    1. You're not alone haha, you should've seen my first round of pics that I had on my IDs when I was 16-21 :S

  2. I have to take a passport photo in January so this comes at a great time for me. I think these tips can also be used when taking a driver's license photo. In my first photo I had on a black shirt buttoned to my neck and red lipstick on. It was horrible...

  3. Great tips! I wish I had these tips a few months back when I went to renew my passport:(
    I cringe at my passport and drivers license picture all the time! I look like a crazy spy who hasn't slept in years!lol!!

    xo, Jackie

    1. hahaha I feel ya girl! It took me a few tries at those pics before I no longer felt shame when handing over my IDs :S

  4. :'( If only I had these tips two months ago when I had to renew mine. My picture came out horrible, but I love my drivers license picture haha. Thanks for the tips.

    xx Donald

    1. Oh no, that's too bad your passport pic is a bust but at least you have your licence! ;) Hopefully you can use the tips for your next round of photos... at least tips 2 and 3 lol

  5. I love your smize reference, haha! But seriously, great tips! I absolutely do not like my passport photo. What had happened is... well, I got all cute and went and got them taken and they were great, but then my study abroad program needed passport sized photos for my visa and they told us without much turn-around time -- so I had to send those in instead. Then, I had to hurry up and get the next ones taken and that ended up being midnight one night (haha, oh college) and I look bedraggled. I regret it and next time, I'm definitely following these tips for sure! :)

    1. Oh no, midnight pics as your passport photo?? haha you live and you learn, right! Glad you enjoyed these tips and hope they help for your next round of photos ;)


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