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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

October Links I Love

Currently writing you from Calgary so I'll make this short and sweet! On Thursday I'll have lots more to say with some beautiful pictures from my first trip to Western Canada :) Here are my favourite posts from the last month. Keep on reading if you want to get lost in some link love on this chilly Tuesday morning...

Karma at its best!! Karly talks about why bullies suck. Especially racist bullies.

For any bloggers who are curious about how to make image links -- Dana’s got you covered.

Erica writes about what she wishes she knew when looking for a rental apartment. Did you know girlfriend survived four windowless months in a basement apartment? So many useful pieces of advice for those who are thinking of moving soon.

Alternatively, if you've decided to move back home with the parentals, Brazen Careerist lays down the official ground rules for 20-somethings living with mom and dad.

Mioara shares four tips for how to dress for a fall wedding.

Holy eff Candice was one busy girl in college -- here are 15 things she learned from her undergraduate days that offer some life lessons.

Oh my gosh I just love Jennifer Lawrence (if you couldn’t already tell by the gifs in this post) and this photo campaign with Dior is simply stunning! Check out what Donald has to say about Jennifer's latest styling.

Having a proper bra fitting makes such a difference! Tanesha lists 5 things you can check to see if you’re wearing the wrong bra size.

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  1. Happy Tuesday! Jennifer Lawrence is one of my favs and all bullies suck ass. :-)


    1. Happy Monday right back atcha Mo. And yes I totally agree with you!


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